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Dojo Rules and Etiquette

  1. A criminal Background Check or Code of Conduct is mandatory! The cost will be deducted from monthly fees. 

  2. Students under 16 will have a two-week evaluation period to ensure they are attentive and physically able to participate. 

  3. Shoes are to be removed before entering the dojo. Bow toward the “Shomen”, (the front of the dojo) upon entering and leaving the dojo.

  4. No jewelry is to be worn at karate. If ears etc. have just been recently pierced, the earrings, etc. must be taped for class.

  5. It is acceptable to wear “Medic Alert” bracelets. The bracelets should fit snugly in order not to be a hazard to karate-ka when training or sparring.

  6. Female karate-ka “onyl” can wear a “plain white” tee shirt, tank top, or sports top, under their gi.

  7. Address the instructors as “Sensei” in the dojo and not by their first names.

  8. If a karate-ka (student of karate) is late he/she must kneel and wait to be invited into the dojo.

  9. When an instructor commands ‘Shugo” (line up) move as fast as possible to form the line. Remember if you have to take more than two steps you must run.

  10. Do not pass in front of anyone, go behind or around.

  11. When kneeling always place the left knee on the floor first then the right knee. The hands should rest comfortably on the thighs. The knees should be lined up with the highest ranking belt in the line to form a very straight line. There should only be a fist’s width between kneeling students.

  12. Remain silent and alert during class.

  13. Students should always respond with “Osu Sensei” when the instructor has demonstrated a technique or given an instruction.

  14. Karate-ka should train every day, even if only for 15 minutes.

  15. It is unacceptable to leave the dojo floor when training is underway unless sick or injured.

  16. Let the sensei know if you are suffering from an injury, or illness or require special assistance.

  17. Do not chew gum, eat candy or have anything in your mouth while training.

  18. Do not come to the dojo if you have been using alcohol or drugs.

  19. Keep toenails and fingernails short and neatly trimmed. Long hair should be neatly pulled back.

  20. It is not good for the body to train on a full stomach, so try to avoid eating for at least an hour before class.

  21. Keep your “gi” (uniform) clean, wash it frequently.

  22. The sleeves of the gi should cover at least half of the forearm. The legs of the gi should cover at least half of the leg between the knee and ankle. The gi must be short enough to prevent karate-ka from slipping on the cuff while practicing karate. If the cuffs are rolled, they must be rolled inside.

  23. If it becomes necessary to adjust the gi or belt, the karate-ka must turn away from the front of the class. Normally this should be done during breaks in training.

  24. All Karate-ka must be able to recite the Dojo Kun when called upon.

  25. Karate is a martial art and is to be used only as a last resort.

  26. Train with intensity but without anger or hostility. There is no place for ego in the Dojo. Always maintain a beginner’s attitude.

  27. Every time you bow push your ego further down and become as empty as possible.

  28. Karate begins and ends with courtesy. Remember to respect yourself, as well as others.

  29. Sitting in Seiza is much more than just kneeling, after kneeling you must close your eyes in Mokuso (meditating -  cleansing your mind to prepare for training)

  30. Testing is not a right. Karate-ka will be considered for grading when they show the necessary spirit and skills. In addition, kyu-level karate-ka must have at least a “B” in attendance and must attend and pass the pre-test. Candidates for Dan exams must have an “A” in attendance and attend and pass the pre-test. The club’s Chief Instructor has the final word regarding whether karate-ka test or not.

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